Dreamline internet leased line service is a B2B premium internet service
that guarantees high speed, security and stability.
Provide security and stability
Connected 24 hours to internet
through LAN/WAN
It is easy to build a customer-specific
server with public IP
Reduce costs and provide
high speed service
Provide high speed and stable
internet service with low costs
Provide stability through
Dreamline Internet Leased Line provides
perfect duplexing networks between
customer’s locations
Enterprise Internet Call
Improve sound quality on existing phone
numbers. This is an internet call product
that can save costs 30% on average.
Enterprise Leased Line
This is a dedicated leased line service
connecting customer’s desired business
Provide various range of
You can select the bandwidth you want to
use from 1Mbps to 1Gbps in 1Mbps units
Excellent service quality
This is an excellent quality internet service
built with high speed Metro Ethernet
Convenient adjustment of
Dreamline Metro is enable to control the
bandwidth remotely from the network center,
and to change quickly according to
customer’s needs
Provide low cost and high
quality Metro
Provide high quality internet service at low
monthly fixed costs with various speed
ranges from 1Mbps to 1Gbps
Provide perfect duplexing
Dreamline Metro is composed of fiber optic
cable with high stability and provides perfect
duplexing (main and spare line) networks to
the subscriber’s location
Simple maintenance management
Dreamline Metro is easy to operate and
minimizes maintenance costs
using minimal equipment such as switches