Network operation

Dreamline has a near perfect operating and maintenance system
based on its 20 years of know-how as a telecommunications carrier

  • Introduction
  • Customers in needs
  • Summary

    Dreamline has a complete operating system
    as a telecommunication carrier with 20 years of operation
    and maintenance know-how based on broadband communication network.
    We have the lowest rate of failure among the five major telecommunications carriers.


    • Network stability

      Providing high quality service with
      facility line redundancy

    • 365 days a year operation system

      Exclusive service by customer support
      operations employees

    • Operation expertise

      Monitoring and response with NMS,
      action and recovery with One-Call

    • High-tech power plant

      Operate power plant redundancy
      and environment monitoring system

    Customized customer Communication Convergence


    • Organized operating and
      maintenance system

      24 hour, 365 days dispatch system

      Minimize the error solution time with
      immediate dispatch

    • Real-time monitoring system

      24 hour, 365 days network monitoring

      Individualized management
      for each customer

    • High-tech infrastructure

      Power plant redundancy and 24hour back-up

      Emergency generator
      in case of blackout

  • Operation center status

    Dreamline operates its 24 hour dispatch
    and maintenance system in 53 nationwide centers